With 2014 coming to its end, it’s time for us to make a
conclusion of the movies we have met in the cinema. Today, I would like to
share 10 most popular movies of 2014 below. Speak out if you have different
Under the Skin
Jonathan Glazer’s Under the Skin is a film about a
beautiful, scary alien that is itself beautiful and scary and alien: it’s an
entirely extraordinary, outrageously sensual film that Glazer’s previous
excellent work had really only hinted at, partially and indistinctly. His Sexy
Beast (2000) was a visually accomplished, exciting and intelligent crime
thriller that was way ahead of the woeful mockney-geezer mode of the time.
Birth (2004) had Kubrickian ingenuity and chill, with some remarkable moments;
it was a movie that deserves cult-classic status but has yet to achieve it.
Then a decade went by, and it seemed that Glazer might be a stylist for whom a
sustained cinema career would perhaps not be achievable (and heaven knows, it
can happen to the most talented).